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Me­di­en­in­haber und Her­steller
pro mente Oberöster­reich
Desk-up® Er­gonomisch lesen und ar­beiten.
Lon­stor­fer­platz 1, 4020 Linz
t: 0043 732 / 6996 
f: 0043 732 / 6996 - 80,
m: of­fice(at)pro­

ZVR 811735276, 
UID-Nummer: ATU23018605

An­fragen und Stan­dort
ATZ Kar­tonia & Kreatives
Freileben 12, A-4121 Al­tenfelden

t: 0043 7282 - 2057

m: kar­tonia.of­fice(at)pro­


Cus­­tomer In­­for­­ma­­tion and Terms & Con­­di­­tions
Desk-up® Rea­ding and wri­ting er­­go­nom­i­­cally.

1. Scope of Ap­­pli­­ca­­tion
These cus­­tomer in­­for­­ma­­tion and Gen­eral Terms and Con­­di­­tions shall apply to all or­ders placed through the web­­site (the "Web­­site") of Desk-up On­­line. Pla­cing an order with us in­di­­cates your ac­­cep­­tance of these terms and con­­di­­tions. Changes to these Gen­eral Terms and Con­­di­­tions will only be ef­­fec­­tive if they are con­­firmed by us in wri­ting. This also ap­­plies to any change to this written form clause.

2. Con­­clu­­sion of a Pur­­chase Agree­­ment
Any or­ders from you on our Web­­site con­s­ti­­tute a bin­ding offer to con­­clude a pur­­chase agree­­ment with Desk-up On­­line. The bin­ding pur­­chase agree­­ment only comes into ex­is­­tence when we ac­­cept your order ei­­ther on the web­­site or by sen­ding you an e-mail or written com­­mu­­ni­­ca­­tion or by dis­­pat­ching the goods or­dered. The goods and price in­­for­­ma­­tion on our Web­­site is sub­­ject to change wi­thout no­­tice. You will be charged the price dis­­played on the Web­­site at the time of your order.

3. In Case of Goods not being avail­able
If goods you or­dered are not avail­able wi­thin 5 wor­king days we can wi­th­­draw from the pur­­chase agree­­ment even if we have con­­firmed ac­­cep­­tance of your order. If we wi­th­­draw from the pur­­chase agree­­ment we will im­­me­­di­a­tely in­­form you of this and will im­­me­­di­a­tely re­­fund the con­­sid­er­a­­tion al­­ready paid by you for these goods.

4. Prices and ad­­di­­tional Costs
The total amount of your order, in­­clu­ding all taxes and costs such as pa­ck­a­ging and de­­li­very is dis­­played on the pre­­vious screen or at the end of the check out pro­­cess. As a privat cus­­tomer the prices in­­clu­ding Aus­­trian sales tax (VAT). In the case of sales to en­­ter­­prises wi­thin the Eu­­ro­­pean Union, no Aus­­trian sales tax will be in­­cluded pro­­vided that the UID number is quoted; such en­­ter­­prises will in­s­tead be obliged to pay the sales tax in their state of do­mi­­cile. In­­voi­cing will be made in euros.

5. Terms of Pay­­ment
The pur­­chase price for the goods or­dered be­­comes due upon the ship­­ping of your order by Desk-up On­­line. Pay­­ment may be ef­­fected by pre­pay­ment or will be in­voiced. You may not make any set off against our claim for pay­­ment un­­less the amount set off is not dis­­puted by us or has been the sub­­ject of a final and bin­ding jud­ge­­ment against us.

6. De­­li­very and Re­ser­­va­­tion of Title
The goods will be de­­liv­ered to the de­­li­very ad­­dress as stated by you and through a de­­li­very ser­­vice ap­­pointed by us. We will make every ef­­fort to de­­liver the goods as soon as pos­­sible. Usu­ally your order is ready for ship­­ment wi­thin a few days, but we cannot make a bin­ding sta­te­­ment on this. The goods re­­main our prop­erty until we have re­­ceived pay­­ment in full.

7. Right to cancel the Pur­­chase Agree­­ment
As a con­­sumer you have the right to cancel this pur­­chase agree­­ment up until two weeks after re­­ceipt of the goods by you. No reason needs to be stated. If you ex­er­­cise this right of wi­th­­drawal you are no longer bound to the agree­­ment and we will re­­fund any pay­­ments you have made in re­s­pect to this agree­­ment. In order to cancel the agree­­ment it is suf­­fi­­cient to send, wi­thin the two weeks pe­­riod, a no­­tice in wri­ting to the ad­­dress spec­i­­fied on top of the page, or to send the goods back to the com­­pany ad­­dress. If you cancel the pur­­chase agree­­ment you have to send back the goods wi­thin 30 days after the can­­cel­­la­­tion. The pur­­chaser is charged with the re­­turn costs.

8. War­­ranty
The war­­ranty pe­­riod is two years after re­­ceipt of the goods by you. Should the de­­liv­ered goods prove de­­fec­­tive wi­thin this pe­­riod, you may cancel the agree­­ment or - if the pro­­duct is still avail­able - re­­quest their re­­pla­ce­­ment by gi­ving us no­­tice at the ad­­dress spec­i­­fied in pa­ra­­graph 2. No in­­de­­pen­­dent guar­antee is granted be­yond the fo­re­­going.

9. Li­a­­bi­lity
The li­a­­bi­lity of one party in case of dam­ages to the other party shall be in ac­­cor­­dance with the sta­tu­­tory law. Any com­­pen­­sa­­tion claims are ex­­cluded in cases of slight neg­­li­­gence. This re­s­tric­­tion does not apply for in­­jury to life, body and health.

10. Data
The pur­­chaser is ex­­pressly agreeing that per­­sonal data of the pur­­chaser, which have been dis­­closed for the order pro­­cess, are au­­to­­mat­i­­cally stored and used by Desk-up, af­­fil­i­ated com­­pa­­nies and con­­trac­­tual part­­ners in par­­tic­ular for mar­­ke­ting pur­­poses. Cus­­tomer data will not be passed on to third par­­ties, ex­­cept where this is an es­sen­­tial re­­qui­re­­ment for the pur­­pose of ful­­filling the con­­tract. Our con­­trac­­tual part­­ners have been in­s­tructed con­­cer­ning our data pro­­tec­­tion reg­u­­la­­tions and have obliged them­­selves to ad­­here to these.

11. Pro­­hi­­bi­­tion of As­­si­gn­­ment
You may as­­sign your con­­trac­­tual rights to a third party only with Desk-up's prior written con­­sent.

12 Place of Per­­for­­mance
The place of per­­for­­mance for all ser­­vices ari­sing under this con­­tract shall be the do­mi­­cile of Desk-up.

13. Ap­­pli­­cable Law
The par­­ties to this con­­tract he­reby agree that Aus­­trian law shall be ap­­plied to this con­­tract.
The United Na­­tions Con­­ven­­tion on Con­­tracts for the In­­ter­­na­­tional Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. Ex­­clu­­sive ju­ris­­dic­­tion is Linz, Upper Aus­tria.

© Desk-up, Sep­tember 2020

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